Card Final Examination on ‘Superior Extremity’ (SAQ), April- 2019
Batch: K-76 Session: 2018-19
Full Marks: 40 Time: 50 minutes
Answer any five questions. Give the diagram as far as applicable.
Q.1 Define joint. Write down the characteristic features of synovial joint. Classify synovial joint according to axis of movements with example. 1+2+5
Q.2 Give the steps of dissection of the axilla mentioning its boundary and contents. 8
Q.3 Describe the origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions of the superficial group of muscles of the front of the forearm. 8
Q.4 Define dermatome. Draw and label the dermatome of the upper limb showing the axial line. 2+6
Q.5 Explain anatomically-
i. radial artery is clinically important.
ii. ulnar nerve palsy leads to ulnar claw hand.
iii. surgical neck of humerus is clinically important. 2+3+2
Q.6 Write briefly on :
i. lymphatic drainage of the breast.
ii. venous drainage of the upper limb (use diagram) 4+4
Card Final Examination on Superior Extremity (MCQ), April-2019
Batch: K- 76 Session : 2018-2019
Full Marks: 10 Time: 10 Minutes
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false against left side of each alternative.
Roll no:---------
1. Following muscles are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve
T a) coracobrachialis
T b) brachialis
F c) brachioradialis
T d) biceps brachii
F e) deltoid
2. Proximal row of carpal bones include
F a) trapezium
F b) capitate
T c) scaphoid
F d) hamate
T e) triquetral
3. The clavicle
T a) lies horizontally & is subcutaneous
T b) is the first bone to begin ossifying in the fetus
F c) gives insertion of sternocleidomastoid in the medial third
T d) gives origin of deltoid in the lateral third
T e) has no medullary cavity
4. The shoulder joint is
T a) ball and socket type of synovial joint
F b) biaxial joint
F c) formed by head of humerus and acromian process of scapula
T d) strengthened by rotator cuff
F e) considered to permit flexion and extension only
5. The median cubital vein is
T a) continuation of cephalic vein
F b) the deep vein of the forearm
T c) commonly selected for intravenous injection
F d) drained into axillary vein
F e) a tributary of basilic vein
6. Contents of the cubital fossa include
T a) median nerve
T b) termination of the brachial artery
T c) tendon of biceps
F d) ulnar nerve
F e) cephalic vein
7. The content of bicipital groove of the humerus is
T a) long tendon of biceps
F b) pectoralis major
T c) ascending branch of anterior circumflex humeral artery
F d) teres major
F e) brachialis
8. The structures passing deep to the flexor retinaculum are
F a) ulnar nerve
F b) tendon of the palmaris longus
T c) median nerve
T d) the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus
F e) ulnar vessels
9. Branches of the brachial artery are
T a) radial
T b) ulnar
F c) axillary
T d) profundabrachii
F e) musculocutaneous
10 Triceps muscle is
T a) supplied by radial nerve
T b) extensor of elbow joint
T c) inserted into olecranon process of ulna
F d) the supinator of the forearm
F e) ideal for intramuscular injection